



ツアー開始日の開始時間前ツアー料金の 50%
ツアー開始日の開始時間後、連絡なし不参加ツアー料金の 100%





株式会社KRaftのツアーはすべて雨天決行です。雨天を理由にお客様のご都合でツアーをキャンセルする場合、キャンセル料がかかる場合がございます。前日の時点で悪天候のためツアー催行が困難と予測される場合はツアーを中止いたします。その場合、前日の 19 時までにメールにて連絡いたします。また当日であっても急激な天候の変化などにより、事前もしくはツアー途中に中止の判断をする場合がございます。ご了承ください。


事前決済したお客様でキャンセルされる場合、上記のポリシーに従ってご返金いたします。 クレジットカードで決済されたツアー/宿泊料金のご返金は、クレジットカードでのご返金となります。お客様がお持ちのクレジットカードの締切日と、ご予約取消(キャンセル・人数の減少)をした日によってそれぞれ処理が異なりますので、ご了承ください。




ご請求額が一旦全額引き落としされます。その後変更・キャンセル後の代金との差額がカード会社から入金され返金されます。クレジットカードの締日によっては、ご返金までに1~2 ヵ月ほどかかる場合がありますのでご了承ください。


株式会社 KRaft


Cancellation Policy (for English)

If you find it difficult to participate in the tour or stay at our accommodation due to unavoidable reasons, please contact us in advance, and we will provide you tours or accommodation dates with available slots that fit your schedule. Feel free to consult us.

If you unfortunately need to cancel your reservation, please note that the following regulations will apply.

Tour Cancellation Fees and Conditions

Cancellation ConditionCancellation Fee
11 days or more before the tourNone
10 to 8 days before the tour20% of the tour fee
7 to 2 days before the tour30% of the tour fee
The day before the tour 40% of the tour fee
Before the tour start time on that day50% of the tour fee
After the tour start time on that day, or no contact  100% of the tour fee

※ Handling fees associated with refunds will be borne by the customer.

However, the cancellation fee will not be charged in the following cases:

If the organizer decides to cancel the tour in advance due to weather conditions or other difficulties in conducting the tour. (Please note that refunds cannot be made if the tour is canceled midway.)

Tour Cancellation Policy

All tours by KRaft Inc. will be conducted even in rainy weather. If you cancel the tour due to your personal reasons such as rainy weather, a cancellation fee may apply. If it is predicted that the tour will be difficult to conduct due to bad weather by the day before, the tour will be canceled. In such cases, we will notify you by email by 7 PM the day before. Also, please understand that due to sudden weather changes, the tour may be canceled either in advance or midway through the tour.

Refunds for Advance Payments

If you have made an advance payment and need to cancel, refunds will be made according to the above policy. Refunds for tours/accommodations paid by credit card will be processed through the credit card. The processing may vary depending on the closing date of your credit card and the date of cancellation (reduction in the number of people).

Refunds before the Billing Closing Date

If a refund is required before the billing closing date, the difference between the amount after the change/cancellation and the original amount will be refunded through your credit card company. Depending on your credit card company’s closing date, the tour/accommodation fee may be charged once, and the refund may be processed afterward.

Refunds after the Billing Closing Date

If a refund is required after the billing closing date, the total amount will be charged once. The difference between the amount after the change/cancellation will be refunded by the card company afterward. Please note that it may take about 1-2 months for the refund to be processed depending on the credit card’s closing date.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

KRaft Inc.
TEL:070-3961-3607 (Reception: 9:00 AM – 18:00 PM)

Online Inquiries